10 Best Candidate Experience Examples You Need to Know

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Hiring the right candidate can significantly impact an organization’s success, team chemistry, and productivity. Yet, sadly, most hiring processes still need to be revised and accurately represent the vast array of required skill sets for workplace excellence. Fortunately, there is a solution: understanding the varying stages that candidates go through during the recruitment process – Candidate Experience (CX). 

CX plays an integral role in any successful hire as it looks beyond resumes to help employers gain valuable insights into applicants’ qualifications and suitability for their specific position. In this blog post, we will explore what exactly CX entails so you can put it into practice when making your next hire.

Candidate experience in recruitment

Candidate experience in recruitment describes the journey of job applicants throughout the hiring process. It’s an essential factor for employers to consider, as it can seriously affect their ability to find and hire the best talent for open positions. In addition, a positive candidate experience helps ensure potential candidates remain engaged with a company and its processes, resulting in fewer dropout rates and reduced time-to-hire. 

Additionally, companies can collect valuable insight from candidates, which serves as feedback on improving their recruitment process, making it more efficient at every step.

Key Elements of a Positive Candidate Experience

Creating a positive candidate experience is essential for hiring the right people for the team. Here are the key elements of a positive candidate experience:

Clear job descriptions and requirements: Job postings should be detailed, concise, and include qualifications and other relevant information. Hence, potential candidates understand the skills needed to apply for the job.

A simple and streamlined application process: Applicants should efficiently complete an application form with minimal steps. It should also be user-friendly and allow applicants to save their application progress.

Regular communication and updates from recruiters: When applying for a job, applicants must be kept up to date on the status of their applications which can be ensured by regular communication from recruiters.

A respectful and professional interview process: An interview is often one of the most critical stages in a recruitment process, so employers must ensure that it is always professional and respectful.

A positive impression of the company’s culture and values: Employers should strive to create a positive first impression for potential candidates of their company’s culture, values, mission statement, etc. so that the applicant understands how they will fit into the organization if hired.

Best Candidate Experience Examples in Recruitment

Recruiting the right talent is one of a company’s most important tasks. Check out these inspiring examples demonstrating excellent candidate experience throughout the recruitment process. Each example illustrates how companies can foster successful outcomes by providing an exceptional candidate journey.

  1. Airbnb’s candidate-centric hiring process: It invests heavily in its recruitment process, using a comprehensive approach that values the candidate’s needs and culture. They have created an end-to-end application process that focuses on creating a meaningful interview experience for candidates and ensuring they have all the information they need throughout their journey.
  2. Amazon’s “Day One” onboarding program: Amazon has designed a comprehensive onboarding program to provide the best orientation experience for incoming employees. Onboarding begins on Day One, where new employees are welcomed by their managers, introduced to team members and critical resources, receive detailed overviews of their roles and responsibilities, and participate in Q&A sessions with experienced team members.
  3. HubSpot’s use of personalization to attract candidates: By leveraging technology, HubSpot can personalize its outreach efforts to make candidates feel special during the recruitment process. They use AI-enabled software systems to identify talented prospects and send tailored emails with personalized content to capture potential applicants’ attention and make them more likely to apply.
  4. Hilton’s candidate feedback program: In addition to its streamlined recruiting processes, Hilton also offers an ongoing feedback system that allows recruiters to solicit feedback from applicants after each stage of the hiring process—from pre-screening interviews through final job offers—to ensure a consistently positive candidate experience throughout their journey with Hilton.
  5. Zappos’ “Wow” candidate experience: Zappos uses creative tactics like humor, storytelling, quizzes, games, videos, and interactive activities—such as selecting bookshelves for new offices—to provide an enjoyable experience for prospective hires throughout various stages of its hiring lifecycle. The goal is for each prospective employee to leave feeling inspired by Zappos’ unique work environment and cultural values before joining the company!
  6. Google’s commitment to candidate communication and feedback: At Google, transparency is vital when it comes to engaging with candidates throughout the hiring process; this includes providing regular updates on progress as well as detailed feedback when decisions are made that affect applicants’ candidacy status or how far along they are in the process itself.
  7. Salesforce’s use of social media to engage candidates: Salesforce understands how powerful social media can be when it comes to connecting with talent around the globe; as such, they frequently post open positions on LinkedIn as well as create dedicated channels specifically designed for engaging with future applicants across multiple platforms (including Twitter!).
  8. GE’s focus on candidate experience metrics: GE measures how well its recruiting processes engage candidates throughout its entire duration; this includes gauging responses from survey participants about interview style/content/questions asked as well as tracking data related to time spent interviewing versus time spent waiting for responses from recruiters or other team members involved in the decision-making process at GE HQ.
  9. Dropbox’s use of storytelling to attract candidates: Dropbox leverages storytelling as an effective recruitment tool, delivering a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to work for their company and sharing stories about life inside the office walls. By showcasing these insights, Dropbox helps build an emotional connection with prospective hires and encourages them to join their team.
  10. Warby Parker’s commitment to a positive candidate experience: Warby Parker is proactive about providing an exceptional candidate experience by giving each applicant access to resources such as application updates, website links, and helpful tools—including resume builders and online assessment tests—as they progress through the hiring process. This approach helps create a supportive environment where potential employees feel respected and supported every step of the way.

How to Improve Candidate Experience in Your Recruitment 

Soliciting candidate feedback is integral to improving candidate experience in the recruitment process. It allows employers to understand better what candidates thought about the process, what went well, and where areas for improvement exist.

Here are some tips for improving your recruitment process:

  • Streamline the application process: Employers should focus on making it as simple as possible for applicants to apply for positions. It could include reducing the number of questions the application asks, streamlining online portals, and simplifying any additional paperwork required.
  • Keep candidates informed: Ensure that each applicant receives timely communication throughout their hiring journey, whether that be through email updates or telephone calls. Keeping candidates informed helps them feel valued and respected during their recruitment process.
  • Provide feedback: Providing timely, honest feedback after every stage of the hiring process—from pre-screening interviews through final job offers—helps ensure a consistently positive candidate experience throughout their journey with your company.
  • Leverage technology: Technology can be used to personalize outreach efforts by sending tailored emails with personalized content to capture potential applicants’ attention and make them more likely to apply.
  • Create an enjoyable experience: Make sure your recruitment process is fun and engaging for potential hires by using creative tactics like humor, storytelling, quizzes, games, videos, and interactive activities—such as selecting bookshelves for new offices—to provide an enjoyable experience for prospective employees throughout various stages of its hiring lifecycle.


From delivering automated emails that provide quick responses to more personalized offers and unsolicited gifts from employers, these ten best candidate experience examples demonstrate the value of going above and beyond for job seekers. Whether you’re looking to overhaul your current hiring process or make a few minor adjustments, our team at Gables Search Group can help guide you along the way. 

With our expertise in recruitment best practices, we will ensure you get the right people on board and create a fantastic candidate experience!